A new STEM IoT Home Automation project has been added and PCBs ordered.
This exciting new RMIS 12S SDK kit was originally designed for the GB3FW repeater site and proved to be of interest as a STEM project – so here it is!
- The board will monitor 4 x channels
- Each +/- 30A current and voltage.
- 8 x channels in total.
- Allow monitoring of charge and discharging of current sources.
- Each of these channels are isolated.
- Common ground for voltage monitoring.
- Each +/- 30A current and voltage.
- In addition, the board has a digital temperature sensor included.
- Provides feedback on the PCB and ambient temperature.
- Example code is provided that will give you information from the sensors and also post live the readings to ThingSpeak website.
Example Output from the board
Further details will be posted here shortly. WIKI is also being updated.