The IPEC IoT Power Energy Controller board main features:
- Compact and Flexible Design SDK Board
- All connections are low voltage, for safe operation
- Easy to interface
- Optional Espressif ESP32 WROOM
- ESP32-WROOM-32E-N4
- Integral Antenna Wireless and Bluetooth
- Ext Antenna – U.FL Socket
- Wireless and Bluetooth
- ESP32-WROOM-32E-N4
- ATM90E32 Energy Monitor
- 3 x Phases Line CT Clamp Input
- Example YHDC SCT013000
- 3 x Voltage Sensing Inputs (AC RMS)
- Can be used with Single Phase, or Multi AC Inputs (For Split or 3Phase)
- Normally Taken from AC Power Input (by Default)
- Power Modes Settings
- 3 x Phases Line CT Clamp Input
- MCP4728 DAC
- 12bit I2C DAC
- Four Independent Buffered Output Channels
- Configured for Default DAC Out, or Modulated (Example MPPT)
- Configurable Solder Pads
- On-Board DAC EEPROM (For DAC Codes and Addressing)
- Can be configured to drive DAC based on CT Clamp Current / Power
- 24C64 EEPROM I2C
- Parameter Settings
- Logging
- I2C Interface
- OLED I2C Connector
- Configurable Power Pins
- AC Low Voltage Input (for Safety)
- Standard 2.1mm Jack Socket
- Power safely derived from a SELV / Wall AC/AC Power Supply
- 8 to 12V AC RMS (Nominal 12V)
- Examples GreenBrook DAT01A or TLC TC TR7
- Onboard 3V3 DC SMPS Power Supply
- Power taken from AC Input, or USB 5V
- Arduino Wemos D1 Compatible USB Interface
- On-board Micro USB Socket
- Flashing and Programming
- Example wemos_d1_mini32
- Can also used to power the board
- Debugging
- Expansion Port
- Configurable and Flexible Port
- DAC Outputs
- I2C Interface
- 3v3 Power
- Standard JST SH 6 Way Header
- 2 GPIO for User (GP16 and GP17)
- UART Interfacing (UART 2)
- Reset Button
- User Programmable Button
- RGB Status LED
- User Configurable
- Power LED
- On 3V3
- CF1 – Active
- CF2 – ReActive
- CF3 – Fundamental
- CF4 – Harmonic
- Configuration
- Solder Pads on Rear of PCB.
- PCB designed to fit neatly into an BMC enclosure
- Also allows for the display to be included, or not.
- Firmware – Code
- Full Example Code in GitHub
- Source Code Based on IPEM
- Publish to MQTT
- Publish to Domoticz
- Publish to ThingSpeak
- Drive DAC for PWM / Voltage or MPPT Based on CT Readings
- Size 70 mm x 53 mm