OLED specification overview:
- High resolution: 128 * 64 (the same resolution as 1286LCD, but more pixels per unit area of OLED screen)
- Wide viewing angle: more than 160 degrees
- Low power consumption: 0.06W in normal display
- Wide power supply range: 3.3V to 5V
- Operating temperature range: – 30 ℃ to 80 ℃
- Volume: white, blue: 27 * 24.7 * 3.7mm
- Size 7.9 * 27 * 3.8mm
- Communication mode: I2C
- Backlight: OLED self illumination, no backlight required
- Brightness: contrast can be controlled by program command
- Service life not less than 16000 hours
- OLED screen internal driver chip: SSD1306
Pin definition
- Interface type: IIC / I2C interface
- GND: Ground
- VDD:+ 3.3V to 5V
- SCL: I2C Serial clock
- SDA: I2C Serial Data